Infopedia was a search-driven internal knowledge management SharePoint portal primarily used by sellers “in the field” or on the go. It was integrated into and ultimately replaced with MS Learning.
Problem Statement
Infopedia’s existing SharePoint design was problematic: list-driven and created by engineers. A designer was needed to recreate and modernize the SharePoint site, along with the Windows 8 app and IP Media site, so they all reflected unity and integrated new stakeholder directives and functionality such as learning paths and training. None of the sites were usable on tablets or desktops, which was a big problem for the users as they would typically need to access resources while traveling. 
Project Goal
I was asked to provide an updated design integrating training and better surface all of the varied content Infopedia had to offer in a visually rich, meaningful way. The app, web portal, and IP Media each had to be brought together with consistency. Infopedia needed a clean, modern homepage redesign aligned Infopedia with the Windows 8 app and Infopedia Media designs — bringing them all under one umbrella while offering a sleek, attractive layout. Training and learning functionality needed to be integrated, and all three touchpoints (web, app and IP Media) needed new branding and alignment. The sites also needed responsive designs created, so they would be usable on both tablets and mobile phones (as well as desktops and laptops).
I worked with stakeholders to clarify and define their goals for this redesign and presented multiple rounds of iterations to gather feedback. I simultaneously worked hand-in-hand with the development team as to ensure all design elements and functionality were easily executable within the constraints of SharePoint.
All three touchpoints were updated with a modernized cohesive design, and responsive designs allowed users mobile access to the sites. I sat with developers to get all the detailed redlines executed perfectly. Although Infopedia is now deprecated, working with all the various stakeholders was a fantastic experience — they were quite happy with their increased NSAT score of 157 trending upward. 

Chris Hughes — Designer

